domenica 7 gennaio 2007

Viaggio di sola andata

Non bastavano le informazioni su carte di credito ed email. Ora anche le impronte digitali di tutte e dieci le dita. Proprio come i database dell’FBI. Sempre per ragioni di sicurezza, si intende (Britons to be scanned for FBI database, The Guardian, 7 gennaio 2007).
Sources said 10 airports would initially be involved. The scheme will cover most of the major airports frequently used by British travellers, including New York, Washington and Miami. Countries subject to the new scheme include Britain, other European Union nations, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
Oltre alla questione, non irrilevante, della violazione della privacy e della libertà individuale, Shami Chakrabarti esprime le proprie perplessità anche sull’efficacia dell’operazione.
Ma le perplessità sono molte e più che ragionevoli.
Security experts warned the scale of the scheme might jeopardise its success. ‘This maniacal proposal will turn thousands of law-abiding British travellers into terrorist suspects,’ said Simon Davies, head of Privacy International, a campaign against intrusive surveillance.
‘The technology at US airports will be far less reliable. That means anyone could be the victim of a false match,’ Davies said. ‘Be warned. A San Francisco Bay family holiday may easily become a nightmare.’
He predicted that airport queues would treble as a result of the scheme. ‘Taking fingerprints is a delicate and complex undertaking that can’t be rushed to keep queues short,’ he said.
Per chi ha voglia di cominciare a capire dove finiranno le proprie impronte: IAFIS o Overview and History.

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