A SENIOR Labor figure has attacked the push by Victoria and Queensland for human embryo research, likening therapeutic cloning to Nazi Germany’s medical experiments on humans. The evocation of Hitler’s Germany by conservative union leader Joe de Bruyn came as the Victorian and Queensland premiers urged the Howard Government to reconsider its ban on human embryo research.
“Therapeutic cloning is the creation of human life for the express purpose of destroying it so you can obtain the stem cells and do research,” the national secretary of the Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association told The Australian.
“That’s no different to what Hitler’s doctors used to do during the last century. They experimented on human life, and that’s what this is.”
Su se stesso, sul proprio corpo e sulla propria mente, l’individuo è sovrano
John Stuart Mill, La libertà
venerdì 4 agosto 2006
Il gioco del dottore (nazista)
Non solo nel nostro belpaese si fanno paragoni assurdi. Non che ci sia da rallegrarsene (Embryo research ‘like Nazi experiment’, The Nation - The Australian, 3 agosto 2006 e Catholic union official compares therapeutic cloning to Nazi experiments, Catholic News, 4 agosto).
beh catholic news lasciamolo perdere...per quanto riguarda gli amici dei canguri invece dai un'occhiata qui....