Catholics for a Free Choice launches a new national public education campaign, Prevention Not Prohibition, which contributes to efforts to reframe the abortion debate by focusing on building a national consensus to prevent, not prohibit, abortion.Qui il Comunicato Stampa e un approfondimento della campagna.
Many Americans are tired of the polarization between the two sides in the abortion debate camps and want to hear about policies that reduce the need for abortion. We feel that placing a higher priority on prevention mirrors the real desires of women and couples who face tough, often no-win choices, about continuing or terminating pregnancy.
Su se stesso, sul proprio corpo e sulla propria mente, l’individuo è sovrano
John Stuart Mill, La libertà
martedì 31 ottobre 2006
Aborto: prevenire e non proibire
Ragionevole no? Ma soprattutto sorprendente dal momento che la campagna che porta questo nome (Ending the Abortion Wars: Prevention Not Prohibition) proviene da una associazione cattolica.
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