martedì 29 ottobre 2013

A year of magical thinking leads to… unintended pregnancy

Qualitative Study Explores Women's Perceptions of Pregnancy Risk

In-depth interviews with 49 women obtaining abortions in the United States found that most of the study participants perceived themselves to be at low risk of becoming pregnant at the time that it happened. According to "Perceptions of Susceptibility to Pregnancy Among U.S. Women Obtaining Abortions," by Lori Frohwirth of the Guttmacher Institute et al., the most common reasons women gave for thinking they were at low risk of pregnancy included a perception of invulnerability, a belief that they were infertile, self-described inattention to the possibility of pregnancy and a belief that they were protected by their (often incorrect) use of a contraceptive method. Most participants gave more than one response.
The most common reason women gave for their perceived low risk of pregnancy was perceived invulnerability to pregnancy. Study participants understood that pregnancy could happen, but for reasons they couldn't explain, thought they were immune or safe from pregnancy at the time they engaged in unprotected sex. One reported that she "always had good luck," while another said, "…It's like you believe something so much, like 'I just really don't want children,' [and] for some reason, I thought that would prevent me from getting pregnant." This type of magical thinking—that pregnancy somehow would not happen despite acknowledged exposure—suggests a disconnect between the actual risk of pregnancy incurred by an average couple who does not use contraceptives (85% risk of pregnancy over the course of a year) and a woman's efforts to protect herself from unintended pregnancy.
Equal proportions (one-third) of respondents thought they or their partners were sterile, said the possibility of pregnancy "never crossed my mind" and reported that (often incorrect) contraceptive use was the reason they thought they were at low risk. Perceptions of infertility were not based on medical advice, but rather on past experiences (e.g., the respondent had unprotected sex and didn't get pregnant) or family history. Among those who thought they were protected by their contraceptive method, most women reported inconsistent or incorrect method use. For example, one woman felt a few missed pills did not put her at risk: "I just thought…they were like magic. If I missed it one day, it wouldn't really matter."
Guttmacher Institute.

1 commento:

fortebraccio ha detto...

il campione è di sole 49 donne (piccolo, direi) ma quel che conta è che le risposte sono in linea con lavori ben più ampi (migliaia di interviste).

Volendo aggiungere una cattiveria, direi che le signorine sono un po' sprovvedute (70% aveva già avuto una gravidanza, 40% aveva già avuto una IVG, quasi altrettante (le stesse?) pensava di essere infertile -o sub-fertile- basandosi su "percezioni" e non diagnosi clinica).

Insomma: grande ignoranza dei meccanismi biologici di base, scarsa coscienza di sé, fatalismo.

<< Finally, these data demonstrate the need for comprehensive sex education, greater awareness of reproductive health and better health literacy and numeracy >>

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