Spesso la condanna dell’uso dei profilattici da parte del Vaticano ci sembra soltanto un buffo tabù, che segna l’irrimediabile distacco tra la gerarchia e la realtà: tutti ricordano i preservativi usati trovati sul grande prato di Tor Vergata all’indomani dell’incontro di migliaia di papa-boys con Giovanni Paolo II per la Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù. Ma è veramente sempre così?
Sul blog Live Test Congo trovo oggi per caso un lungo post dal titolo «Kongo Stories». Si tratta del diario di un anonimo operatore sanitario occidentale, inviato a fare opera di prevenzione contro l’infezione da HIV nei dintorni della città di Bukavu. Qualche citazione:
I do several sensibilisation presentations every week. This week took me to a youth group, STD [Sexually Transmitted Disease] clinic patients and another for medical staff. In all three the question about condom’s pores being larger than the virus popped up. The source? Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, of the Dominican Republic acting as president of the Vatican pontifical council for the family had said, “The spermatozoon can easily pass through the ‘net’ that is formed by the condom.” Despite widespread scientific consensus that condoms block the HIV virus. … This has given everyone a much-sought sacred excuse not to use protection. The results are impressive.La Chiesa cattolica è comunque in buona compagnia:
I get the comment from everywhere I talk. It’s starting to affect the double prices charge by the commercial sex workers as they are now charging a single, no condom price. Last month’s seroprevalence at our test clinic was 40%; last week was around 80%. … I asked one client about the use of protection and he said; I have two wives, 5 children and numerous casual contacts and I never use protection. It doesn’t feel right, besides, the church says they don’t work. The pores of the condom are bigger than the virus…
Sunday it was church in the Pentecostal church of Bagira. Singing, our testimonies as people living with HIV and then the sermon. “When one tests for HIV, hate fills their heart. They hate God, they hate everyone and since they figure they will soon die, they don’t want to go alone.” We’re Satan personified and the devil must be defeated…
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